17 October 2023 – Erikusa

We had chosen to anchor at a spot close to the airport, rather than going to an expensive marina on the far side of the city. So last night, when our son Chris arrived for a few days, we did the “James Bond” style pickup, in the dark, with the tender from a small quay at the side of a road.  We had said to call us when he got into the taxi at the airport, and as a result he was waiting by the time I had motored over.  We did not even have to tie up, he just passed down his bag and then stepped in. We did not disturb the fishermen angling from the other end of the quay, 5 metres away.

After a glorious few weeks since we arrived back at the start of September, we know that the weather is now breaking.  We have asked some of the locals if it is always as good at this time of year, but apparently this year has been exceptional. This is now changing, with the first thing being the forecast of heavy rain later, so we were up and on the move well before sunrise this morning. We had to duck and dive a bit as we passed the entrance to the harbour Κέρκυρα (Corfu Town), with ferries and cruise ships coming and going. Its some time since we have sailed in the dark, so it was reassuring to (successfully) test our recollection of the lights on different types of vessels.


We sailed up the relatively narrow passage between Corfu and Albania, before turning away to the west and heading back to Erikusa. This island is an ideal stop off point for the journey back to Italy. The weather forecast had strong winds overnight, so we had booked to use the marina.  By the time we arrived the expected rain was coming down by the bucketload, and the poor marinaro who came to help us in got as wet as we were.  It was a reasonable distance around the harbour to his office, and he kindly drove me there and back to complete the registration formalities.


The rain stopped later and we were able to have a walk around the island.  Apparently only about 20-30 people live there all year round, the rest being holiday homes of one sort or another.  These were all firmly closed up, and the shop and café were also closed.  We contented ourselves with the walk and looking at a herd of sheep that had obviously just been fed.

Miles today             27  

Miles in 2023      1181

Steve (and Tricia) 


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